This experience was developed for the 2021 Global Game Jam, an international weekend of ‘jamming’ – co-producing games together.
This is a children story concept, produced as a Views of Farnworth PopupView campaign, a soundwalk using Echoes and a 3D virtual space of Bolton Town hall using Mozilla Hubs. It was developed in collaboration with Mark Jackson from PlaceJam as a Global Game Jam experience (see below).
If you want to find the animals, go to the PopupView app on your phone, open it, select the Farnworth Park campaign and point your phone at the images below. For the best experience, go to Farnworth Park itself and popup the digital assets using the real life views.
Trigger images

For 2021 Global Game Jam weekend, Visioning Lab worked with PlaceJam to rapidly prototype a popup story for Farnworth Park which included both an augmented reality campaign for the PopupView platform and also a 3D digital environment using Mozilla Hubs.
The Challenge: Make an immersive experience in 10 hours over 1 weekend using PopupView and Mozilla Hubs
What we did:
On Friday, we agreed a plan to find key locations in Farnworth Park in Bolton and use key sites in the park for making digital popups. We also decided to use a 360 camera to take a photo for the Mozilla Hub environment as a backdrop. As a warm-up we discussed our favourite animals and this spurred the idea to create an animal story for the park.
On Saturday, we took the pictures of the park, found 3D digital animals from SketchFab and Poly, built the PopupView campaign and added the first creature – an eagle. We also experimented with using sound (the cries of a hawk by PsychoBird) to accompany the experience. Mark Jackson at PlaceJam came up with a lovely concept and poem for the animals – the elephant, eagle, fox and squirrel are marching on town hall to find their missing food.
On Sunday, we built the campaign and added it to the PopupView platform. We also created a virtual town hall with the animals standing outside. We demoed the results of our labour and discussed our learning. In particular, we talked about the challenges of telling stories with people so unfamiliar with using these technologies .
What we made:
We came up with a children story concept, produced as a Views of Farnworth PopupView campaign, a soundwalk using Echoes and a 3D virtual space of Bolton Town hall using Mozilla Hubs. It was developed in collaboration with Mark Jackson from PlaceJam as a Global Game Jam experience (see below).
If you want to find the animals, go to the PopupView app on your phone, open it, select the Farnworth Park campaign and point your phone at the images on this page.